My name is James and I’ve been a researcher at Future Trees Trust since the beginning of September 2024.

I studied forestry with conservation and a research Masters at Bangor University. Working with the Trust has been amazing so far. I applied for this role because of the variety of work that the Trust do, and it has really delivered, as every day has been interesting and engaging.

So far, I’ve completed survival assessments in ash dieback trials, travelled to sites across England and Wales searching for plus trees of various species, and assessed multiple clonal and breeding seed orchards conducting maintenance where necessary.

Assessing cherry plus trees

In the office I’ve also been involved with data management and mapping. One of the best parts of working at Future Trees Trust is knowing that my work will have a positive impact on the forestry industry in the UK and the environment on a long term scale. I’ve loved my time here so far and I cant wait to see what I get up to in the winter season to come!

Assessing Oak Clonal Seed Orchard at Whitfield in Herefordshire